Apologia, on Forked Tongue

by Lindsay King-Miller

they always try to catch me sleeping & that

is their second mistake.


dragons dream with our eyes open.

at night I wind my body around her tower

a nesting instinct, shelter

for eggs I’ll never tend. my warmth

sinks into stone. high above me

blood is moving, a pulse I can’t hear

and can’t escape.


sun rises hard.

another knight attacks at dawn, galloping

from the shadows to the west,

his spear ambitious to wake me.

but I am already sleepless

& cut deeper than a wound.


she keeps me skinny. what good

is a well-fed dragon? what is a moat

without being hollowed out?

I starve & throb. the smell of his heart

reaches me before the hoofbeats.


I did not always have these scales.

I was born a different monster,

my hard parts on the inside. for years

the only fire in my throat was her name.

I was a girl once,

warm-blooded once. a milk-fed child.

the first to offer her my rib cage

like a box with a gift inside.


I tried to fight the hunger

fold lips over my teeth

burn the sky with warning.

I tried to keep them safe

but they’re tireless, those glittering boys

& swordpoints do hurt

& so does swallowing flame

& so does loving a woman so heartless

she must devour what she lacks.


& the story always ends

with a twist–their necks in my teeth.


she descends when they stop breathing.

the tower has stairs, a door

locked from the inside.

she carries a golden key, a silver knife

to unlock the treasure of their chests.

she only takes what they came to offer.

I only eat what she leaves behind.


steel & marrow. a sword

lodged behind my tooth

years ago, & it’s still there, pulse of anguish

an abscess.


it hurts to eat their bones. these boys

salt-scoured with their own bravery

her name still warm on their lips–but how much

could they have loved her?

when all they had to do for her was die?


Lindsay King-Miller is the author of Ask a Queer Chick: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life for Girls who Dig Girls (Plume, 2016) and The Z Word (Quirk, 2024). Her fiction has appeared in Fireside Fiction, Baffling Magazine, and numerous other publications. Her second novel This Is My Body is forthcoming from Quirk Books in 2025. She lives in Denver, CO with her partner and their two children.


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